Thursday, August 13, 2015

My summer: CampToons and Cancun!

       This summer was a blast! It was fun, relaxing, and stressful all at the same time. During the first week of summer break I got to relax, sleep in, and watch TV. The week after that I started training for CampToons, which is a Christian day camp I volunteer at at my church. I was moved up to being a chief this year so I was in charge of an entire group of kids and counselors. I helped out with camp for 6 weeks straight. It was a lot of planning, preparing and, most of all, fun! At the end of the 6 weeks, we held a carnival for all the kids and their parents. But before the carnival ended, I was on my way to Cancun, Mexico.
       I stayed in Cancun for a week with my family and friends. It was very hot and humid and we were at the pool almost everyday. I got to see some ancient Mayan ruins, active bats in a cave, and go swimming in a huge sinkhole about 130 feet deep. At the end of my trip I was sad to leave Cancun, but the memories I have of it will always stay with me.