Thursday, September 10, 2015

My First Impressions on the Informational Interview Assignment

     An informational interview is "an informal but structured conversation between you and someone who is doing the kind of work you are interested in". I learned that for the first time 2 days ago when I received a sheet of paper titled "Informational Interviews". My initial thought was "Oh no, I'm going to have to interview a total stranger about their job AND do a presentation about it in class". I'm very shy around people I don't know very well so I was nervous when I first read about the project. When I found out that we did not have to interview someone (yet), I felt relieved and somewhat disappointed at the same time because I had just discovered a loophole: that I could interview my mom. If and when I do have to interview someone, I would like learn more about jobs involving working with kids or something in the science/medical field.

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